Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sing Daddy, SING!!

As you can imagine, such a small space requires a bit more patience and understanding – especially with six people! Sometimes, we have even had to give up a few freedoms.

One such freedom was “singing”. RJ is our songbird and could sing her way through life – that is if her sisters and parents didn’t get a little tired of it. But now she was bursting into song about doing the dishes while we were all three feet away and couldn’t go anywhere! Then, RR who is two feet away starts joining in, not singing all that in tune, and, I now can’t CONCENTRATE on answering emails ….QUIIIIEET!!

Peace would resume for five minutes. Then she’d start again. A sister would get irritated. I’d demand, “Didn’t I just tell you five minutes ago not to sing?”

We needed a solution and FAST.

Fines! Yup, that was the solution. A quarter fine for kid I caught singing. And…a quarter for any kid catching a parent singing!

Well, RR our little six year old is always looking for a way to pick up a little extra spare change. She can’t wash cars, babysit, wash windows, or much of anything to earn money so she’s always on the lookout for an opportunity. This was her chance.

RR was standing next to me. Looking up with a big smile on her face she says, “Sing Daddy, SING!!

I couldn’t resist. And she got a quarter.

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